Laichingen location – the company
Werkzeugbau Laichingen GmbH is based in Laichingen in the Swabian Jura of Southern Germany.
We are one of the largest local employers and can look back on a long tradition.
The expertise of our 80 employees and approximately 15,000 square metres of production space mean we are ideally equipped to meet the challenges of our customers.
The location
The up-and-coming town of Laichingen is located in the Alb-Donau district, one of the highest performing districts in Baden-Württemberg. With nearly 12,000 inhabitants, Laichingen is the largest town in the surrounding area and, together with Blaubeuren, fulfils the function of a regional centre. The WBL location is especially attractive for young families. Laichingen offers every type of school. With elementary and secondary schools with a vocational secondary school, secondary and advanced secondary school, special school and branches of the Ehingen commercial school and vocational school – there is something for everyone. In addition, building land in the countryside is still relatively cheap. The infrastructure is also very good, thanks to the town’s close proximity to the A8, a motorway providing an optimum connection to the university city of Ulm (30 minutes drive) and Stuttgart (60 minutes drive), the state capital of Baden-Württemberg.
Everything is within easy reach, but never boring:
There are many attractive sights in Laichingen and the surrounding area, and the town is often alive with hustle and bustle. A variety of markets are held every year at Easter, Pentecost, St. Andrew’s Day, during the town fair and, of course, before Christmas, and these attract thousands of visitors. One famous attraction is the Laichinger Tiefenhöhle – the only vertical cave in Germany which can be accessed by visitors to a depth of 55 m. Sports enthusiasts and nature lovers will find a variety of activities in the region. Amateur pilots can enjoy the town’s own airfield which has been operated since 1964 by the local aviation club, the Flugsportverein Laichingen e. V. At the Laichingen location, employees of the WBL Group have the chance to achieve a superb combination of job and leisure – guaranteeing a perfect work-life balance!
Laichingen location

Geislinger Straße 32
89150 Laichingen
+49 (0) 7333 81-0
+49 (0) 7333 81-100